Looking back at the 90s, the tools of the trade of programmers implementing payment solutions were horrific by today's standards. A great deal of work was done using Telnet and I remember that I quickly learned to hate the blue, text-only interface of the TTWin terminal emulator. Everything was slow. It wasn't a problem with the terminal emulator or with the text-based environment in itself, just a lack of programming accelerators and facilities. Whenever a project came along that allowed development outside of the proprietary box running the EFT switch, the contrast was evident.
Auxiliary tools were also non-existent or downright primitive. Message protocol simulators were basic and moody. Terminal simulators were starting to emerge but were costly and sometimes hard to use. Writing and executing tests was done with ad-hoc tools so esoteric that it was often too tempting to just do the whole thing manually. Traces were hard to read. Network protocols like SNA and X.25 required considerable expertise to get a hold of. And if you had to remotely connect to another system to do something, you had to go through a modem - it often turned out that the bandwidth of myself getting up and physically commuting to the remote system was considerably larger than that of the modem.
Well, nowadays the tools have been considerably upgraded. We're now coding in Eclipse or Studio, two very powerful IDEs with great facilities. Workstations have become very powerful. Dual monitor setups are becoming the norm, providing valuable additional screen real-estate. Simulators are sometimes build-in to the payment products and, if they aren't, they're easy to build or free to download or inexpensive to buy. Test facilities and test harness suites are abundant, easy to work with and sometimes ever free of charge. TCP/IP has dominated and has become the network protocol of choice; the implementation of other network protocols is usually left to dedicated network devices. Remote connections can be established in a secure and fast manner.
The weird thing though is this: while the state of the facilities and tools available has improved by an order of magnitude, productivity hasn't improved as fast. Back in the 90s the rule of thumb for estimating the implementation of an extensive stream message protocol was six months or more. Now it's three months or more. Way faster than before - after all, being able to do a job in half the time is a big improvement. But it's not an order of magnitude improvement.
Implementation of small-sized projects has benefited greatly from software evolution and maturity of tools. I have repeatedly been able to complete in a week projects that could easily take months in the bad old days. But the speed improvements diminish rapidly with the expanding size of projects. We're still faster but not by the same degree. And there's a very simple explanation for it. Complexity has increased. A gazillion new factors and acronyms have been introduced in our daily development cycle since the 90s. BCP, CNP, EMV, PCI, ISO 20022, NFC, CAP are some of the things that we have to keep in our heads.
This is by no means unique to the payments world. Software in general has become much more complicated. Attempts to simplify things and hide all this complexity behind frameworks, SDKs and APIs are partially successful but so far frameworks are not always able to help us keep up with increased complexity. Perhaps the abstractions provided by the frameworks will become better over time. Perhaps frameworks, like software, are themselves becoming too complex and contribute to the problem in their own way. The one thing that's clear is that human factor is becoming more important in our line of work. In the bad old days, a good programmer without payment systems experience could stand on his own two feet after a few months. This is not the case anymore. The individual has to capture and process a massive amount of information before beginning to see the light. Getting, and keeping, good people is now more important than ever.
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